Good News Productions, International

Accelerating global evangelism through media and technology to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)
Crossroads International Student Ministries

In response to God’s grace and love for us, We graciously and respectfully reach out to international students studying at the universities and colleges in the United States so they may know Jesus as Lord and deepen their personal relationship with Him.
We exist to awaken the church to the opportunity for reaching the world through the international students studying at colleges and universities in the USA and to recruit and train workers so they may become organized and equipped to minister effectively for the glory of the Kingdom of God.
We exist to awaken the church to the opportunity for reaching the world through the international students studying at colleges and universities in the USA and to recruit and train workers so they may become organized and equipped to minister effectively for the glory of the Kingdom of God.
Christian Student Fellowship

Christian Student Fellowship exists to make disciples through teaching the Bible in a practical and relevant way, providing opportunities for deeper Christian service as well as mission work, and developing a network of accountability and faithful prayer support. CSF realizes this can only be accomplished through the Lord’s work.
Deaf Missions
Deaf Missions is a Christian mission dedicated to helping deaf people SEE Jesus Christ, so they may accept Him as their Savior and grow in Him. Deaf Missions was founded in 1970. People across the United States and Canada, and in more than 80 other countries, are served by Deaf Missions. Bible visuals produced by Deaf Missions are used by more than 50 different denominational groups. The work is supported by freewill offerings from individuals, churches and organizations.
For more information visit their website @ |
Pibel Bible Camp

Pibel Bible Camp exists to help the church introduce people to Jesus, and challenge them to become dedicated followers of Him. To accomplish its mission, Pibel Bible Camp provides facilities and quality programs of instruction, recreation, worship and fellowship.
For God's Children International

For God's Children International (also known as FGCI and Fagucci) is a Christ-centered benevolent ministry for children. FGCI is based in Council Bluffs, Iowa USA. FGCI serves needy children in Romania, Moldova and in the United States.
International Disaster Emergency Service

IDES is a non-profit organization based in Kempton, Indiana, United States that seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in times of emergency. The organization is primarily funded by Christian churches and churches of Christ. Much of its relief effort is done through missionaries already in place in the countries needing assistance. IDES has offered emergency relief in 90 countries around the world.
American Rehabilitation Ministries

ARM Prison Outreach is an arm of the church to help fulfill the biblical mandate of Jesus, "I was in prison and you came to visit me," Matt 25:36, NIV. Our specialized programs are designed to proclaim the love and message of Jesus to the incarcerated, help lead them into a saving and personal relationship with the Savior, build them up in the faith, and equip them for a lifetime of faithful service in the Lord’s Kingdom.
Forge Christian Church

Forge Christian Church exists to glorify God and make disciples by actively seeking the lost and forgotten in Hastings, NE. These include college students, families with special needs, and anyone that has a “past”. We believe Jesus when He said in Luke 15, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”